Tuesday, 27 September 2016

The Use Of Blogs In Learning English As Foreign Language

The Use Of Blogs In Learning English AsForeign Language - Actually blogging is one from many c=kind activity that can improve our writing skill. Blogging have so many benefits besides it can earn lots of money it will help to improve our skill and communication through online sharing information.
The Use Of Blogs In Learning English As Foreign Language

From this review of studies on the use of blogs in EFL learning, several conclusions can be drawn. 

Strategy To Makes Significant Contribution
First, blogging as a language learning strategy makes significant contributions to enhancing learners’ cultural knowledge and cultural awareness about the target society. In addition, the use of blogs enhances learners’ cultural interactions, competencies and exchanges. 

Developing Learners Interaction And Communication
Second, blogging plays an important role in developing learners interactions and communications in the target language. 

Developing Speaking And Writing Skill
Third, blogs are effective tools for developing speaking, reading and writing skills. However, with respect to speaking skills, while blogs are effective for developing skills related to conceptualization, brainstorming, articulation, monitoring, evaluating, self-presentation and information exchange, they have no effect on fluency, accuracy, language complexity, or pronunciation. Furthermore, the research indicates that the use of blogs enhances reading processes, results in positive perceptions of reading, encourages classroom discussions, and develops literacy and critical thinking skills. 

However, the use of blogs has little effect on learners’ reading test results. Blogging positively affects learners’ writing performance, their ability to monitor writing, their attitudes towards and perceptions of writing, and their interactions and participation in writing. More specifically, blogs are effective for developing rhetorical strategies, improving grammar skills, designing paragraphs and essays, revising written works, giving and receiving feedback and participating in peer review activities. The use of blogs also facilitates academic writing and enhances the sharing and exchanging of knowledge, provides a learning space for learners’ to interact, allows for reflection on learning, develops autonomous learning, and improves self expression. 

The use of blogs has also been found to considerably enhance learners motivation, to affect positively students’ perceptions of learning, and to result in positive attitudes towards learning. However, one study found that students have both negative and positive views regarding blogging. Finally, blogs have been found to enhance autonomous learning and knowledge and information sharing while also serving as a learning space for ELF learners. 

Source : 
Mevlana International Journal of Education (MIJE)
Vol. 4(1), pp. 244-259, 1 April, 2014

Author : 
Selami Aydin
Balikesir University, Necatibey Education Faculty, ELT Department, Balikesir, Turkey.

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Saturday, 24 September 2016

Comparing the Effect of Blogging as well as Pen-and-Paper on the Essay Writing Performance

Comparing the Effect of Blogging as well as Pen-and-Paper on the Essay Writing Performance - In today’s world, there are lots of methods in language teaching in general and teaching writing in particular.
Using two different tools in writing essays and conducting a study to compare the effectiveness of these two
tools namely blog and pen-and-paper was the basis of this study. The result of this study showed that the tools by themselves could not effect on the quality of writing essays and improvement in the students’ writing performance. Using technology and in this study, Internet can motivate the EFL learners to write more eagerly since they may like innovation in learning in contrast with traditional old methods of learning writing and practicing it, but it does not necessarily improve their writing performance only because of using computer and Internet.
Comparing the Effect of Blogging as well as Pen-and-Paper on the Essay Writing Performance

The Iranian graduate students of UPM found blog more interesting and motivating tool for writing, but it was not as easy using as pen-and-paper for them with which everyone is familiar. This research could find answers to the research questions posed at the beginning of the study and investigated the hypotheses presented then.

Implications of the Study

The findings of this study have various implications for Iran Ministry of Education, EFL university lecturers,
EFL curriculum makers, language schools, and university students. This study can help Ministry of Education of Iran to plan the new methods of teaching writing at schools and universities such as using blogs in essay writing. They can use technology in their syllabus and compare the function with the conventional methods of teaching writing.
Related Journal : Using Social Media to Reinforce Environmental Learning And Action-Taking for School Students
It provides the EFL lecturers better knowledge and understanding about the graduate students needs for writing in English language. They can use blog as a tool for teaching writing in their classes and view the students motivation and eagerness in writing. Since this study had scheduled topics based on five categories of writing namely content, organization, vocabulary, language use and mechanics, the lecturers can focus on each category in each session of their lectures and ask the students to write essay topics based on these categories. If the lecturers give feedback to the students, it will be more beneficial for them and helps them to improve in their essay writing.

Maybe in some day if i being a teacher i will implement this method to improve my student writing skill and trigger their interest in studying English. combining technology and English language is the best way to learn Quickly.

Source : 
International Journal of English Language Teaching Vol. 6, No. 10; 2013
ISSN 1916-4742 E-ISSN 1916-4750
Published by Canadian Center of Science and Education

Author :
Hajar Kashani1, Rosnaini Binti Mahmud1 & Seyed Ali Rezvani Kalajahi

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Wednesday, 14 September 2016

The Effect of Metacognitive Strategy in Reading Expository Text

The Effect of Metacognitive Strategy in Reading Expository TextReading is an important verbal skill that needs to be accomplished by students so that they can explore knowledge thoroughly. In the process of reading a text, a reader has to understand the content, information, explanation or facts intended to be delivered by the author. In another words, the reading process can be complex because readers would have to involve the quality of thought for the purpose of understanding the text. Without understanding the text that has been read, the reader will not be considered to have mastered the reading skill (Korabiak & Mete, 2004). This is because reading and understanding are constructive processes that support one another (Yahya & Ghazali, 2010). For an effective reader, the capacity of understanding a text is seen as important even in primary school.
The Effect of Metacognitive Strategy in Reading Expository Text

The metacognitive strategy is not something new in the education field. According to Eilers and Pinkley (2006), this strategy is applied and taught to students to enhance the understanding of a text that has been read. The application of the metacognitive strategy during reading and comprehension lessons is also believed to help students to think methodically in all three levels of reading processes, namely before reading, during reading and after reading (Boulware-Gooden et al., 2007).

Check this Picture Bellow :
The Effect of Metacognitive Strategy in Reading Expository Text
Constructivist theory of metacognitive strategy
in reading lessons using metacognitive strategies, students are seen to involve actively. Students involvement in using metacognitive strategies to understand texts has turned them into a more motivated and high confidence readers (Wigfield et al., 2008). Students also appear to enjoy activities like discussions with friends and flash back of reading material contents according to individual understandings. This activity can encourage them to interact with friends and teachers based on the reading materials that instantaneously can enhance understanding on the texts. Besides, these activities give opportunity for students to learn from one another in explaining their understanding.

In short, reading lessons using metacognitive strategies give very good effects towards student’s understanding. The exposure among primary school students can be very suitable to train students to understand the text that they are reading more meaningfully (Jafari & Ketabi, 2012; Karami & Hashemian, 2012). This study concluded that reading lesson using the metacognition strategy can help to enchance students with moderate level of understanding on expository texts to understand better and more effectively compared to conventional approach.

Published by Canadian Center of Science and Education
Correspondence: Yahya Othman, Faculty of Education, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, 43600 UKM Bangi,
Selangor, Malaysia. Tel: 603-8921-6231. E-mail: yahya.othman@ukm.edu.my
URL: http://dx.doi.org/10.5539/ies.v7n13p102

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