Tuesday, 27 September 2016

The Use Of Blogs In Learning English As Foreign Language

The Use Of Blogs In Learning English AsForeign Language - Actually blogging is one from many c=kind activity that can improve our writing skill. Blogging have so many benefits besides it can earn lots of money it will help to improve our skill and communication through online sharing information.
The Use Of Blogs In Learning English As Foreign Language

From this review of studies on the use of blogs in EFL learning, several conclusions can be drawn. 

Strategy To Makes Significant Contribution
First, blogging as a language learning strategy makes significant contributions to enhancing learners’ cultural knowledge and cultural awareness about the target society. In addition, the use of blogs enhances learners’ cultural interactions, competencies and exchanges. 

Developing Learners Interaction And Communication
Second, blogging plays an important role in developing learners interactions and communications in the target language. 

Developing Speaking And Writing Skill
Third, blogs are effective tools for developing speaking, reading and writing skills. However, with respect to speaking skills, while blogs are effective for developing skills related to conceptualization, brainstorming, articulation, monitoring, evaluating, self-presentation and information exchange, they have no effect on fluency, accuracy, language complexity, or pronunciation. Furthermore, the research indicates that the use of blogs enhances reading processes, results in positive perceptions of reading, encourages classroom discussions, and develops literacy and critical thinking skills. 

However, the use of blogs has little effect on learners’ reading test results. Blogging positively affects learners’ writing performance, their ability to monitor writing, their attitudes towards and perceptions of writing, and their interactions and participation in writing. More specifically, blogs are effective for developing rhetorical strategies, improving grammar skills, designing paragraphs and essays, revising written works, giving and receiving feedback and participating in peer review activities. The use of blogs also facilitates academic writing and enhances the sharing and exchanging of knowledge, provides a learning space for learners’ to interact, allows for reflection on learning, develops autonomous learning, and improves self expression. 

The use of blogs has also been found to considerably enhance learners motivation, to affect positively students’ perceptions of learning, and to result in positive attitudes towards learning. However, one study found that students have both negative and positive views regarding blogging. Finally, blogs have been found to enhance autonomous learning and knowledge and information sharing while also serving as a learning space for ELF learners. 

Source : 
Mevlana International Journal of Education (MIJE)
Vol. 4(1), pp. 244-259, 1 April, 2014

Author : 
Selami Aydin
Balikesir University, Necatibey Education Faculty, ELT Department, Balikesir, Turkey.

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